Sheryl Yakeleya

Sheryl Yakeleya

Phone: 867-373-0067
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Sheryl Yakeleya

Candidate in the Deh Cho All Ridings race.

Sheryl can be reached by calling 867-373-0067.

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News that mentions Sheryl Yakeleya

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After report on 2023 wildfires, calls for N.W.T. gov’t to invest more in firefighters

August 29, 2024

CBC North - ...the motion calling for a public inquiry into the 2023 wildfire season, also told CBC she believes a full inquiry is still needed. Dehcho MLA Sheryl Yakeleya first brought forward the motion calling for a public inquiry in 2023. (Julie Plourde/Radio-Canada ) She said she believes it would be a better...

Breaking down some of the big issues with NWT medical travel

July 8, 2024

Cabin Radio - ...somewhat as a compassionate policy.” One possibility is the GNWT may stop administering the NIHB program entirely, a prospect that Dehcho MLA Sheryl Yakeleya called “alarming.” Semmler responded: “Why it is an alarming thing is that … for so many years, we haven’t been fully recovered for this...

MLAs want GNWT to back temporary housing in Enterprise

June 16, 2024

Cabin Radio - ...MLAs want the NWT government to contribute funding for temporary housing in Enterprise. Dehcho MLA Sheryl Yakeleya introduced a motion in the legislature on Thursday calling on the territory to provide 10 percent of funding needed for the project. She said that would unlock the remaining 90 percent of...

NWT politicians call for mental health crisis intervention team

June 14, 2024

Cabin Radio - ...territory doing the bad things. And we need to also focus on the people that are suffering from the consequences of those bad things.” Dehcho MLA Sheryl Yakeleya supported having a crisis intervention team and encouraged the territory to consider how the program would roll out in small communities. ...

NWT’s 20th Assembly passes its first budget

June 13, 2024

Cabin Radio - ...of the men’s unit at Fort Smith’s jail and reinstate some midwifery funding. MLAs Denny Rodgers, Danny McNeely, Jane Weyallon Armstrong, Sheryl Yakeleya and Julian Morse spoke about the importance of compromise and collaborative process between regular MLAs and cabinet in the legislature ahead of...

Can the NWT police its way out of the drug crisis?

June 12, 2024

Cabin Radio - ...a robust law enforcement response to these predators, we are not going to be able to keep communities safe.” MLAs Danny McNeely, George Nerysoo, Sheryl Yakeleya and Denny Rodgers spoke in favour of increasing RCMP resources. Tu Nedhé-Wiilideh MLA Richard Edjericon introduced a motion calling for a canine...

Shelters are full in Yellowknife, MLA seeks solutions from GNWT

June 11, 2024

CKLB 101.9 - ...However, the construction timeline isn’t yet known. Some other topics touched on by MLAs in their statements and Oral Questions included: Sheryl Yakeleya, the MLA for Dehcho, spoke about the high rates of smoking, poor diet, inactivity and heavy drinking, which she says stem from mental health issues....

No free ticket home for residents injured while outside NWT, says minister

May 30, 2024

CKLB 101.9 - ...for travellers are covered by the NWT Health Care Plan, but those still recovering in hospital will have to dig deep in their pockets to get home. Sheryl Yakeleya , MLA for Dehcho, brought up the case of a Fort Providence constituent, who had recently gone to Edmonton on a weekend vacation. Well, he ended up...

Health-care staff shortage a ‘crisis,’ MLA proposes task force

May 27, 2024

CKLB 101.9 - ...injured over the weekend – one broke his hip, the other has trouble breathing — Edjericon inquired about compensation for the loss of work. · Sheryl Yakeleya , MLA for Dehcho, said: “The state of housing in the North is in peril.” And she zeroed in her concern for elders and the hardship they face to...

What MLAs heard about Missing Persons Act in Aklavik and Inuvik

April 11, 2024

Cabin Radio - ...those people that are still missing and are likely murdered, as there’s many in the Delta.” MLAs George Nerysoo, Danny McNeely, Kieron Testart, Sheryl Yakeleya, Jane Weyallon Armstrong and Shauna Morgan travelled to the two communities. In Aklavik, Kerr said speakers included Status of Women Council...

NWT’s MLAs pass Israel-Hamas ceasefire motion

February 29, 2024

Cabin Radio - ...said cabinet would abstain from voting on the motion, but would provide a well-researched response within 120 days. Regular MLAs Richard Edjericon, Sheryl Yakeleya and Jane Weyallon Armstrong also abstained from voting. Nobody opposed the...

Housing should be fundamental right in N.W.T., MLAs say

February 29, 2024

CBC North - ...should be a fundamental right in the territory and join national and international governments in making that a part of the territory's law. Sheryl Yakeleya, MLA for the Dehcho, brought forward a motion on Wednesday to make housing a fundamental human right in the N.W.T. and all regular MLAs voted in...

NWT Assembly thinks pink against bullies today: Your Daily Update

February 28, 2024

CKLB 101.9 - ...the federal government extra vigorously to land one of three new F35 fighter jet bases in the NWT, either in Yellowknife or Inuvik. And Dehcho MLA Sheryl Yakeleya promoted the K’amba Carnival happening at Katlodeeche First Nation. The Assembly re-convenes tomorrow at...

Legislative Assembly Debating Housing as a Human Right

February 28, 2024

My Yellow Knife Now - ...major bill is coming to the tables of the 20th Legislative Assembly this week. Two MLAs, Sheryl Yakeleya and Kieron Testart, will be presenting two motions to the Assembly to try and establish housing as a human right in the NWT. These motions are aiming to help the NWT’s housing standards become...

N.W.T. MLAs vote for inquiry into 2023 wildfire response, but premier makes no promises

February 22, 2024

CBC North - ...inquiry. Inquiry needed to restore trust, says MLA Kieron Testart, MLA for Range Lake, brought Thursday's motion forward along with Dehcho MLA Sheryl Yakeleya. Testart was the first MLA to speak to the issue Thursday, saying the inquiry is needed to restore public trust. He said during the evacuation,...

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